station n. 1. 站,台,车站;航空站,机场。 2.派出所;署,局,所。 3.【无线电】电台,电视台。 4. 驻地,部戍地,根据地,警备区域;基地;〔集合词〕基地全体人员。 5.停泊地;军港;〔美国〕空军兵站。 6.部位,位置,场所。 7.地位;身分;职位,岗位。 8.停留,停驻;站立(姿势)。 9.【生物学】=habitat. 10.【宗教】耶稣受难十四处之一(或其图画之一幅)。 11.【测】测点,测站,标准距离。 12.〔澳大利亚〕牧场。 13.〔美国〕邮政局;〔海关用语〕仓库。 a midway station 错车车站。 a station agent 〔美国〕(火车站)站长。 a power station 发电厂。 an atomic station 原子能发电站。 an air station 飞机场。 a broadcasting station 广播电台。 people of station 有地位的人。 station call letters 电台呼号。 station in life 【法律】身分。 station waggon 〔美国〕车站接送汽车,客货两用汽车,面包车。 take up a convenient station 占有利地位。 take up one's appointed station 各就指定岗位。 vt. 驻扎,安置,配置,设置。 station a guard at the gate 门口设置一个警卫员。
I must go to the station to meet my friend .. 我该到车站去接朋友了。
I went to the station to see my friend off . 我到车站给朋友送行。
We must be at the station to meet her . 我们必须去火车站接她。
I had to be present at anhalter station to receive the coffin with todt's remains . 我得去安哈尔特车站去接托特遗体的灵柩。
She considered phoning the radio station to ask for a repeat of the last news item . 她考虑打电话给电台,要求重播最后一条消息。
Even in this new era of motors, the citizens went down to the station to see the trains . 即使在今天的汽车新时代,市镇居民们有时也会跑到火车站去看火车。
Harding insisted on walking unaided from the station to his car, but he went to bed at once and developed pneumonia on the following day . 哈定坚持自己从车站走到他的车上,但是,后来他立刻上床休息,并在第二天染上肺炎。
655 let ' s go to the station to get a train into town 我们到火车站去乘车进城。
Clerks passed the work from station to station 职员们一站一站的把工作传递下去。
You ' d been to the station to meet every train 过去,你总是到车站去等每一班火车。